Issues for a subscription

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Subscription information for Journal of design history

The current subscription began on 2023-12-01 and is issued every quarter for 4 issues

The first subscription was started on 2021-01-01

Library, SPAB

Vol.34 (1-4)Jan-Dec 2021

Available issues

Vol 34, No 1; Vol 34, No 2; Vol 34, No 4; Vol 36, No 2; Vol 36, No 1; Vol 36, No 3; Vol 36, No 4

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Library, SPA Bhopal, Neelbad Road, Bhauri, Bhopal By-pass, Bhopal - 462 030 (India)
Ph No.: +91 - 755 - 2526805 | E-mail:

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