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Handbook of water sensitive planning and design / edited by R.L. France

Material type: TextTextLanguage: English Series: Integrative studies in water management and land developmentPublication details: CRC Press, 2002. Boca Raton:Description: 699 pISBN:
  • 9781566705622
Subject(s): DDC classification:
  • 333.91 HAN
1.Stormwater Management and Stormwater Restoration -- 2.Successful Stormwater Management Ponds-- 3.Open Spaces and Impervious Surfaces. Post-Industrial Watersheds-- 4. Low Impact Development. Watergardens as Stormwater Infrastructure-- 5.Retaining Water. A Productive Stormwater Park. A Stormwater Wetland Becomes a Nature Park-- 6.Wetlands-Based Indirect Potable Reuse Project-- 7.Restoring Urban Wetland - Pond Systems-- 8.Water Connections. Constructed Wetlands and Stormwater Management at the Northern Water Feature-- 9.Principles and Applications of Wetland Park Creation. Applications of Low Impact Development Techniques-- 10.Restoring and Protecting a Small Urban Lake-- 11.Integrated Ecology, Geomorphology, and Bioengineering for Watershed-friendly Design-- 12.WATER SENSITIVE PLANNING-- 13.Shoreline Buffers. River Restoration Planning-- 14.Greenways as Green Infrastructure in the New Millennium-- 15.Natural Resource Stewardship Planning-- 16.Treating Rivers as Systems to Meet Multiple Objectives-- 17.What Progress Has Been Made in the Remedial Action Plan Program After Ten Years of Effort? Watershed Management Plans-- 18.Watershed Assessment Planning Process Assessment-- 19.Urban Watershed Management-- 20. Modeling a Soil Moisture Spatial Index Using GIS in a Developing Country Context-- 21.The Design of Regions. GIS Watershed-- 22.The Effect of Spatial Location in Lake-Water Interactions-- 23.Spatial Investigation of Applying Timber Management Guidelines-- 24.Aquifer Management Recharge Model-- 25.Factors Influencing Sediment Transport From Logging Roads near Boreal Trout Lakes-- 26 Limnology, Plumbing and Planning.
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1.Stormwater Management and Stormwater Restoration --
2.Successful Stormwater Management Ponds--
3.Open Spaces and Impervious Surfaces. Post-Industrial Watersheds--
4. Low Impact Development. Watergardens as Stormwater Infrastructure--
5.Retaining Water. A Productive Stormwater Park. A Stormwater Wetland Becomes a Nature Park--
6.Wetlands-Based Indirect Potable Reuse Project--
7.Restoring Urban Wetland - Pond Systems--
8.Water Connections. Constructed Wetlands and Stormwater Management at the Northern Water Feature--
9.Principles and Applications of Wetland Park Creation. Applications of Low Impact Development Techniques--
10.Restoring and Protecting a Small Urban Lake--
11.Integrated Ecology, Geomorphology, and Bioengineering for Watershed-friendly Design--
13.Shoreline Buffers. River Restoration Planning--
14.Greenways as Green Infrastructure in the New Millennium--
15.Natural Resource Stewardship Planning--
16.Treating Rivers as Systems to Meet Multiple Objectives--
17.What Progress Has Been Made in the Remedial Action Plan Program After Ten Years of Effort? Watershed Management Plans--
18.Watershed Assessment Planning Process Assessment--
19.Urban Watershed Management--
20. Modeling a Soil Moisture Spatial Index Using GIS in a Developing Country Context--
21.The Design of Regions. GIS Watershed--
22.The Effect of Spatial Location in Lake-Water Interactions--
23.Spatial Investigation of Applying Timber Management Guidelines--
24.Aquifer Management Recharge Model--
25.Factors Influencing Sediment Transport From Logging Roads near Boreal Trout Lakes--
26 Limnology, Plumbing and Planning.

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