Hutter, Mark

Experiencing cities. / Mark Hutter - 3rd ed. - New York: Routledge, 2016. - xxvii, 526 p. - Metropolis and Modern Life. .

Preface --
Historical developments --
Introduction to experiencing cities --
The emergence of cities --
The industrial revolution and the rise of urban sociology --
Disciplinary perspectives --
Chicago school : urbanism and urban ecology --
Urban planning --
Urban political economy, the new urban sociology, and the power of place --
City imagery --
City imagery --
The skyscraper as icon --
The social psychology of city life --
Experiencing strangers and the quest for public order --
"Seeing" disorder and the ecology of fear --
City people and places --
Urban communities and social policies --
Families, gender, and singles in the city --
The consumer city: shopping and sports --
The urban world --
American and global suburbanization patterns --
Social capital and the resilience of cities --
References --



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