Vidhate, Swapnil

Architect's guidebook for competitive exams : Set 1- solved papers (GATE 1991 to 2017, UPSC 2015-2016) / english by Swapnil Vidhate - 2nd rev. ed. - Pune : Swapnil S. Vidhate, 2017. - 505 p. : ill

This book will provide the past trends of questions asked in the GATE exam with their solutions with detailed explanations for better understanding. The book contains all GATE-Architecture & Planning papers from 1991-2017 as well as UPSC-CPWD 2015-16 exam papers for recruitment of architects.

9789352674848 9352674847

Architects--Competetive Exams--GATE--UPSC--Guidebook
GATE--Question Paper-Solved--1991-2017
UPSC--Question Paper-Solved--2015-2016

720.79 / VID-A