District spatial plan : Thrissur. - Thrissur : Department of Town and Country Planning, 2011. - xv, 266 p.

Chapter-1 Profile of the District --
1. Introduction --
2. Location --
3. Administrative divisions --
4. Topography and physical features --
5. Socio-Economic aspects --
6. Inference --
Chapter-2 History and Regional Linkages --
1. History --
2. Regional Linkages --
3. Connectivity --
4. Inference --
Chapter-3 Population --
1. Population size --
2. Growth rate of population --
3. Population density --
4. Sex ratio --
5. Population concentration pattern --
6. Migration details --
7. Population projection (Trend based) --
8. Inference --
Chapter-4 Occupational Structure --
1. Work force of the district --
2. Occupational --
3. 3. Occupational Structure - Variation in Urban and Rural areas --
4. 4. Spatial distribution of the major class of workers --
5. 5. Occupational Structure - Temporal variation --
6. 6. Projection of occupational structure (trend based--
7. 7. Inference --
Chapter-5 Land use --
1. Land use Pattern of Kerala state --
2. Land use Break up of Thrissur district--
3. Regional land use --
4. Concentration pattern of land uses --
4.1 Agricultural land use --
4.2 Other Built up Land Use --
4.3 Forest Land Use --
4.4 Residential Land Use --
5. Analysis of Agricultural land uses --
5.1 Concentration Pattern of Agricultural land use --
5.2 oncentration Pattern of Coconut land use --
5.3 Concentration Pattern of Mixed Crop --
5.4 Concentration Pattern of Paddy --
5.5 Concentration Pattern of Rubber --
6. Major agriculture activities --
7. Activity zones based on land use concentration pattern --
8. Inference --
Chapter-6 Functional Character of settlements --
1. Character of settlements --
2. Inference . --
Chapter-7 Hierarchy of settlements 1. Existing Hierarchy of Settlements--
2. Suggested Hierarchy of Settlements-Methodology adopted --
3. Suggested Hierarchy of Settlements-Procedure adopted --
4. Character of higher order settlements--
5. Inference . --
Chapter-8 Urban Profile --
1. Trend of Urbanization Kerala--
2. Census urban areas in Thrissur District --
3. Urban population content - existing --
4. Decadal variation in urban population content Vs urban area --
5. Growth rate of urban population--
6. Urban settlements - 1971-2001 --
7. Future urbanization profile of the District --
8. Urban profile --
9. Function (suggested) to be performed by various higher order settlements --
10. Inference --
Chapter -9 Connectivity --
1. Description of Hierarchy of settlements--
2. Description of Hierarchy nodes --
3. Existing net work --
4. Suggested network --
5. Future connectivity--
6. Inference --
Chapter-10 Activity Pattern--
1. Description of land use concentration pattern --
2. Description of future urban profile --
3. Description of functional classification --
4. Determination of activity pattern --
4.1 Urban Activity --
4.2 Primary Activity--
4.3 Secondary Activity --
4.4 Agricultural Activity Non-determinantal to forest --
4.5 Agricultur and Alied activit --
5. Inference --
Chapter-11 Spatial Structure --
1. Spatial structure of the District --
1.1 Hierarchy of settlements --
1.2 Activity pattern --
1.3 Connectivity --
1.4 Spatial structure --
2. Inference --
Chapter-12 Findings --
Chapter-13 Goals and objectives --
1. Development Goals --
2. Development Objectives --
Chapter-14 Tentative Development Concept--
1. Introduction --
2. Development Concept Formation --
3. Tentative Development Concept --
4. Development Zones--
5. Hierarchy of Settlements --
6. Transportation network --
7. Function of Settlements--
8. Projection of population --
9. Projection of workforce --‘
10. Inference --
Chapter-15 Development Directives --
1. Introduction --
2. General Policies and Stratagies--
3. Development Stratagies --
4. Development Directives


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