Robinson, Daniel F.

Biodiversity, access and benefit-sharing: global case studies / by Daniel F Robinson - Oxon: Routledge, 2015. - xii, 215 p.

1: Access and Benefit Sharing --
1. Introduction, Context, Methods and Trends --
2. The Nagoya Protocol --
2: Biodiscovery Access and Benefit Sharing Case Studies --
3. The ICBG Madagascar Project --
4. ABS Agreements in Thailand --
5. The Samoan Mamala Case --
6. The Moroccan Argan Case --
7. The Australian ABS System and Examples --
8. The Santo 2006 Global Biodiversity Expedition, Vanuatu --
9. The ICBG Papua New Guinea Project --
10. The ICBG Panama Project --
Part 3: Overview, Discussions and Themes --
11. Discussions and Themes --
12. Conclusions



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