Hoang, N.K.Linh

Effect of riparian zones on nitrate removal by denitrification at the river basin scale / by Hoang Nguyen Khanh Linh - Leiden, The Netherlands: CRC Press, 2013. - xxii, 176 p.

1: Introduction--
2: Literature review--
3: Study area: Odense river basin, Denmark--
4: Model set-ups for the Odense river basin--
5: Comparison and evaluation of model structures for the simulation of flow and nitrogen fluxes in a tile-drained river basin--
6: The approach to represent the landscape variability in the SWAT model--
7: Integrating a conceptual riparian zone model in the SWAT model--
8: Application of the SWAT_LS model in the Odense river basin--
9: Conclusions and recommendations



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