Rajapakse, Ruwan,

Pile design and construction rules of thumb / Ruwan Rajapakse, STV Construction, Department of Construction & Engineering, New York. - Second edition. - xxii, 355 p.

1. Site investigation and soil conditions --
2. Geophysical methods --
3. Groundwater --
4. Foundation types --
5. Pile types 6. Selection of piles --
7. Static and dynamic analysis --
8. Design of driven piles --
9. Design of bored piles --
10. Caisson design --
11. Piles in rock --
12. Underpinning --
13. Pile settlement --
14. Wave equation basics --
15. Negative skin friction (downdrag) --
16. Bitumen-coated pile design --
17. Laterally loaded piles --
18. Short course on seismology --
19. Seismic analysis of piles --
20. Batter pile design --
21. Pile design software --
22. Pile driving methods --
23. Water jetting --
24. Pile load testing --
25. Pile construction verifi cation --
26. Pile identifi cation plan --
27. As built plans--
28. Code issues (Eurocode and other building codes) --
29. Economic considerations and costing


Piling (Civil engineering)
