Urban access for the 21st century : finance and governance models for transport infrastruc / edited by Elliott D. E. Sclar - Oxon: Routledge , 2013 . - xiv, 276 p.

1. Introduction: The Challenge of Financing Urban Access --
2. Towards a Political-Economics of Finance for Urban Access --
3. Social Inequalities in Urban Access: Better Ways of Assessing Transport Improvements --
4. Access as a Social Good and as an Economic Good: Is There a Need for a Paradigm Shift? --
5. Opportunities for Transport Financing through New Technologies: State of the Art and Research Needs --
6. Assessing the Diversity of Schemes for Financing Urban Access and Mobility --
7. Public Transport --
The Challenge of Formal and Informal Systems --
8. Reflections on the Usefulness of Accessibility as a Lens --
9. Accessibility and Transportation Funding --
10. Technology and Information Technology: Living with and Paying for Sustainable Access.


Urban transportation

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