Displacement and resettlement in India: The human cost of development /
Hari Mohan Mathur
- London : Routledge , 2013 .
- xviii, 227 p.
- Routledge contemporary South Asia series .
Introduction: Displacement and Resettlement in the Development Process-- Part 1: Displacement by Development-- 1. Not by Dams Alone: Urban Development Projects and Displacement of Slum Dwellers-- 2. Mining Coal, Undermining People: Flawed Resettlement Leaves Displaced People Worse Off-- 3. Common Development Disorders: Impoverishment Risks from Projects that Involve Displacement-- Part 2: The Policy Response-- 4. Good Intentions are not Enough: The World Bank Policy on Involuntary Resettlement-- 5. Providing a Better Life for Displaced People: National Policy Guidelines on Involuntary Resettlement-- Part 3: Approaches to Resettlement-- 6. Social Impact Assessment: An Aid to Understanding the Likely Effects of a Proposed Intervention-- 7. Making Resettlement Work: Issues in Planning and Implementation-- 8. New Livelihoods for Old: Restoring Incomes Lost due to Involuntary Resettlement-- 9. No End to Injustice: Gender Biases in Resettlement Planning-- Part 4: Resettlement in a Globalizing World-- 10. Investors In, Farmers Out: Private-Sector Projects and the Contentious Issue of Land Acquisition-- 11. A Blow to Tribal Life: The Disastrous Impact of Globalization-- Part 5: The Way Forward-- 12. Development for All: Ensure that the Displaced People Have a Share in Project Benefits