Westman, Walter E.,

Ecology, impact assessment, and environmental planning / Walter E. Westman. - New York : Wiley, c1985. - xi, 532 p. - Environmental science and technology, .

"A Wiley-Interscience publication."

1.Ecological impact assessment as a discipline --
2.Environmental law, public policy, and decision making --
3.Environmental law : planning approaches and ecological constraints --
4.Environmental decision making --
4.Summarizing and evaluating impacts --
5.Quantitative approaches --
6.Economic approaches --
7.Predicting impacts : the physical environment --
8.Land --
9.Air and water --
10.Predicting impacts : the biota --
11.Structure and function of biological communities --
12.Ecotoxicology : assessing impacts of pollutants on biota --
13.Sampling and analysis of ecological data --
14.Species and landscape diversity --
15.Succession and resilience of ecosystems.

This is the first integrated text on applied ecology, ecological impact assessment and environmental planning written by a biological ecologist with extensive experience in both planning and geography.

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Environmental impact analysis.
Environmental protection--Planning.
