Affordable housing reader / edited by J. Rosie Tighe - Oxon: Routledge. 2013, - xxiii, 565p.

Part 1: Conflicting Motivations for Housing Policy in the US --
Part 2: Conflicting Views of Causes of Housing Problems, Proper Focus of Assistance--
Part 3: Low Income Homeownership - Historical and Current Perspectives --
Part 4: Shifting Emphases in the Provision of Affordable Housing: Production, Vouchers and Preservation --
Part 5: Competing Goals: Revitalization of Poor Neighborhoods versus Moving to Opportunity? --
Part 6: Development Regulations and subsidies as Cause, Solution to Housing Problems --
Part 7: Housing and Race: Enduring Challenges, Debated Strategies --
Part 8: What Next? The Future of Housing Policy


Housing policy

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