Kulshreshtha, S. K.

Urban and regional planning in India : a handbook for professional practice / S.K.Kulshrestha - New Delhi: Sage, 2012. - xxi, 299 P.

The profession and professional ethics -- --Professional practices and procedures -- Professional fee and preparation of consultancy proposals -- Legal support -- Establishment and management of office

Urban and Regional Planning in India refers to processes and procedures for and manner of conducting spatial planning and development activities. The scope of professional practice in planning has now become very vast. Dr. Kulshrestha provides a detailed study of professional practice in the field of urban and regional planning in India, covering such aspects as ethics; scope of work in public, private and joint sectors; procedures for procuring consultancy, engaging contractors, and entering into agreements; calculation of fee charged for rendering the service; establishing offices in India a.


City planning-India
POLITICAL SCIENCE -- Public Policy -- City Planning & Urban Development.
Regional planning -- India.
City planning -- India.

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