Strategic environmental assessment in action /
Riki Therivel.
- 2nd ed.
- London ; Washington, DC : Earthscan, 2010.
- xviii, 366 p. :
pt. I Introducing Strategic Environmental Assessment -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Strategic Environmental Assessment: An Overview -- 3. SEA in Plan-Making -- 4. Three SEA Systems: United States, Europe, China -- pt. II The SEA Process -- 5. Setting the Context for SEA -- 6. Describing the Environmental Baseline, Identifying Problems, Links to Other Strategic Actions -- 7. Identifying Alternatives -- 8. Predicting Impacts -- 9. Evaluating and Mitigating Impacts -- 10. Documentation, Implementation and Monitoring -- pt. III Ensuring SEA Effectiveness -- 11. Ensuring that the SEA is Effective and Resourcing It.