Manual on disaster management /
edited by Parag Diwan
- New Delhi: Pentagon earth, 2010.
1.Introduction to disaster management-- 2.Concepts and terms in disaster management -- 3.Introduction to disaster preparedness-- 4.Prerequisites for preparedness planning-- 5.General preparedness plan-- 6.introduction to natural disaster response-- 7.Disaster response planning-- 8.Disaster response roles and responsibilities -- 9.The tools and methods of disaster management-- 10.Technologies of disaster management -- 11.Initial emergency operations-- 12.What is effective disaster communication-- 13.Methodology for disaster communication-- 14.How does media look at a disaster-- 15.Benefits of planning for good disaster communication -- 16.Disaster communication cases-- 17.Relief work after a disaster-- 18.Managing disaster aftermath-- 19.Epidemiologic factors that determine the potential of ccommunicable disease transmission -- 20.Post disaster potential of communicable disease-- 21.Disaster responce history in India 10.
The process of disaster management involves four phases - mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. This manual is an assimilation of a lot of public domain material in a structured format so as to be useful to students as well as practitioners of the science of Disaster Management.