Fiske, John

Understanding popular culture John Fiske; Henry Jenkins [contributor]; Kevin Glynn [contributor]; Jonathan Gray [contributor]; Pamela Wilson [contributor]. - 2nd ed. - London: Routledge, 2011.

@contents: Selected Contents: Acknowledgements Why Fiske Still Matters Henry Jenkins Reading Fiske and Understanding the Popular Kevin Glynn, Jonathan Gray and Pamela Wilson Notes on Contributors Preface Chapter 1 The Jeaning of America Chapter 2 Commodities and Culture Chapter 3 Productive Pleasures Chapter 4 Offensive Bodies and Carnival Pleasures Chapter 5 Popular Texts Chapter 6 Popular Discrimination Chapter 7 Politics References Index

What is popular culture? How does it differ from mass culture? And what do popular 'texts' reveal about class, race, and gender dynamics in a society? This book answers these and a host of other questions. It presents a different theory of what it means for culture to be popular: that it is, literally, of the people.



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