Investigation of Uranium Solubility Razgah Basin's Groundwater in the Northwest of Iran, Using Saturation Indexes /
Fatemeh Shabansefidan and M. Anji Reddy
The purpose of this study was to evaluate uranium concentration in the groundwater of Razgah Tasin along the water flow direction. In this study two springs and seven wells have been sampah pl, Eh, EC and temperature have been measured in site and concentration of major compled. antons and heavy metals are extracted from IC and from ICP analysis. Using the significant Uranium mineral Saturation Indexes (SI) such as Boltwoodite, Boltwood-Na, Carnotite, Coffinite, Gummite, Rutherfordine, Schoepite, Soddyite, Soddyite, U308(c,alph), UO2(am). 002(OH)2(c,bet), Uraninite, Uranophane and some non-Uranium minerals such as Gypsum, Dolomite, Calcite and concentration of Uranium pathfinder elements can find the trend of Uranium solution in the groundwaters.Sl can be negative, positive or near to zero. Negative saturation index: mineral cannot form (it is expected to dissolve), Saturation index near zero: the mineral is predicted to be at equilibrium with the water, Positive saturation index: the mineral is supersaturated and has the potential to form (however it may not actually form due to kinetic factors or the fact that another mineral phase controls solubility).SI have been calculated by Geochemist Workbench software. At the Razgah Basin there are negative and positive and near to zero Sls, but they show the trends to introduce uranium solubility in the water. Considering these results, we have found the Uranium transport path