Effect of Silt Excavation on the Cross Sectional Characteristics of Panchganga River, Kolhapur, Maharshtra /
Jagdish, B. Sapkale
- 7 Vol, Issue 1-2 , 2010 (229-237 p.)
Good quality of silt has accumulated in the downstream part of Panchganga River of Kolhapur. This Silt set in motion with erosion, which frequently carpeting the agricultural land along the nver. In recent years, banks of the river and its adjoining agricultural area in downstream part are the alternative locations, as far as the silt extraction is concerned. Increasing constructi activities in Maharashtra requires sand and silt, which has been responsible for uncontrolled excavation of silt from the rivers. Such excavation of silt from the right and left bank of Panchganga river in some parts, shows variation in its cross sectional characteristics.
An attempt has made to identify the changes in some selected cross-sections of the channel under consideration due to silt excavation. In order to get an idea about the details of the channel cross sections, measurement at 15 locations were undertaken. Besides this, probable impact of silt excavation on monsoon flood and variation in river velocity and river discharge have also discussed in this research paper.