Sorensen, Flemming

Tourism practices and experience value creation: The case of a themed attraction restaurant/ - Sage, 2020. - Vol 20, issue 3, 2020 ( 271–297 p )

This article uses practice theory to analyse experience value creation in an innovative tourism setting characterised by high interdependence between tourism actors. The theory is applied in a case- and action-oriented study of a themed restaurant in a medieval re-enactment centre. It exemplifies how integration of a restaurant into a specific attraction theme provides opportunities for experience value co-creation through tourism practices. It also illustrates how integration can cause co-destruction of experience value. The action-oriented part of the study included a workshop, interviews and other communication with relevant actors. It aimed to sustain a change of practices, providing solutions to issues of value-co-destruction found in the case study. The article theorises and illustrates the complexity of experience value creation in complex tourist settings and suggests how a practice theory approach to innovation may lead to value creation in tourism and be a powerful tool for tourism managers.