Audley, Shannon
Searching for the Golden Rule: A Case Study of Two White Novice Teachers’ Beliefs and Experiences of Respect in Urban Schools/
- Sage, 2020
- Vol.52, issue 6, 2020: ( 872-903 p.)
Student respect toward teachers is traditionally considered in terms of behavior or authority. Yet, because of cultural differences and historic oppression of marginalized students in schools, not all students express respect in ways in which teachers are familiar. Because of structural inequalities and individual differences, standard behavioral definitions of respect are insufficient to address how students and teachers actually experience respect in the classroom. Using a comparative case study design, this study examined two female White novice teachers’ beliefs and experiences of student respect within a novel relational respect framework. Results identified that teachers’ respect beliefs were based on notions of authority, while respect experiences reflected authority and relationship-based respect. Importantly, these relationships were conceptualized as role model and friend-based respect. To help novice teachers balance their roles as both caring and authoritative figures, I propose that student respect should be thought of in relational, rather than behavioral, terms, and that teachers need to employ cultural competence when developing and maintaining their student–teacher relationships.