TY - SER AU - Katta, Srujana AU - Badger, Adam AU - Graham, Mark AU - Howson, Kelle AU - Ustek-Spilda, Funda AU - Bertolini, Alessio TI - (Dis)embeddedness and (de)commodification: : COVID-19, Uber, and the unravelling logics of the gig economy PY - 2020/// PB - Sage N2 - The ride-hailing giant Uber has long circumvented labour regulations and commodified its drivers’ labour by existing at the conjuncture of multiple geographies – being simultaneously embedded and disembedded from the places where it operates. In this commentary, we argue that the COVID-19 pandemic has destabilised Uber’s ‘conjunctural’ existence and forced the company to become more embedded in the locations where it operates, bringing about a – perhaps temporary – turn towards the decommodification of its drivers’ labour UR - https://doi.org/10.1177/2043820620934942 ER -