Sexuality studies / edited by Sanjay Srivastava
Material type:
- 9780198085577
- 306.70954 SEX
Introduction / Sanjay Srivastava --
Scripting pleasures and perversions : writings of sexologists in the twentieth century / Sanjam Ahluwalia --
Wanton women and cheap prints : farces, other genres, and the reading publics in colonial Calcutta / Hardik Brata Biswas --
Beyond equivalence : body and language in family courts / Srimati Basu --
Bodies gone awry : the abjection of sexuality in development discourse in contemporary Kerala / J. Devika --
Queer formations in (Hindu) nationalism / Paola Bacchetta --
Decriminalization as deregulation? : logics of sodomy law and the state / Jyoti Puri --
True sex and the law : prostitution, sodomy, and the politics of sexual minoritization in India / Svati P. Shah --
The object of attention : same-sex sexualities in small town India and the contemporary sexual subject / Paul Boyce --
Queering subjectivities : on the praxis of outing gender, race, caste, and class in ethnographic fieldwork / Diepiriye Kuku --
Street, footpath, gated community : on the cultures of Indian pornography / Sanjay Srivastava --
Love attacks : romance and media voyeurism in the public domain / Christiane Brosius --
But I can't carry a condom! : young women, risk, and sexuality in the time of globalization / Shilpa Phadke.
Sexuality in general and particularly in India remains an ever enigmatic phenomenon, giving rise to a vast field of academic study across the social and human sciences. Through in-depth theoretical analysis and an array of case studies, this volume establishes a firm analytical framework for sexuality studies in the country
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