Magnet people:

Fritz, Roger

Magnet people: their secrets and how to learn from them. / Roger Fritz - Bhopal: Manjul Publishing House, 2003. - xiv, 123 p.

chap 1 magnet people are genuine -- part 2 magnet people are diligent -- chap 3 magnet people are objective -- chap 4 magnet people are unselfish -- chap 5 magnet people feel secure -- chap 6 it your move

Magnet people are genuine. They know themselves better than anybody. They are sure they are trustworthy. They keep it simple. They prize accountability over credentials. Magnet people are diligent. Be your own power source. Don't dwell long on successes. Make yourself referenceable/needed. Get up one more time. Magnet people are objective. Don't look back. Look for what's wrong before who's wrong. Value performance over seniority.



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