Actor networks of planning:

Actor networks of planning: exploring the influence of actor network theory./ Edited by Yvonne Rydin and Laura Tate - New York: Routledge, 2017. - xvii, 249 p. - Routledge Research in Planning and Urban Design. .

Introduction, 1. Exploring the Influence of ANT (Yvonne Rydin and Laura Tate), PART A: Using ANT: Applied Planning Analyses, 2. Constructing "Green Building": Heterogeneous Networks and the Translation of Sustainability into Planning in Israel (Shula Goulden), 3. Planned Derailment for New Urban Futures? An Actant Network Analysis of the "Great [Light] Rail Debate" in Newcastle, Australia (Kristian Ruming, Kathleen Mee and Pauline McGuirk), 4. Grants as Significant Objects in Community Engagement Networks: Kelowna, British Columbia (Silvia Vilches and Laura Tate), 5. Assembling Localism: Practices of Assemblage and Building the "Big Society" in Oxfordshire, England (Sue Brownill), 6. Two Exemplar Green Developments in Trondheim, Norway: Tales of Qualculation and Non Qualculation (Thomas Berker and Stig Larss ther), 7. Unpacking the Swedish Urban Sustainable Imaginary: at the World Expo, Shanghai, China (Anna Hult), 8. Relationships of the Material, Cultural and Political in the Redesign of Stortorget, Malmoe, Sweden (Mattias Karrholm), 9. Assembling Energy Futures: Seawater District Heating in The Hague, Netherlands (Simon Guy, Graeme Sheriff, Chris Goodier and Ksenia Chmutina), PART B: The Way Forward: Innovative Practices and Theoretical Controversies, 10. Can Actor Network Theory Provide a Theory of Action? Planning in New York, USA (Robert Beauregard and Laura Lieto), 11. "Emergent places": Innovative Practices in Zurich, Switzerland (Joris Van Wezemael and Jan Silberberger), 12. Applications within Urban Living Labs of Flanders' N16 corridor, Belgium (Luuk Boelens and Marleen Goethals), 13. Hydro-Urbanism in London: Using Co-evolutionary Actor Network Theory as a Prospective Methodology (Tse-Hui The), 14. Towards an Extended Symmetry: using ANT to Reflect on the Theory and Practice Gap (David Webb), 15. "A Grand Question of Design": Knowledge, Space and Difference in Early and Late Latour (Malcolm Tait and Kiera Chapman)


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