Cost of poor housing in London /
Garrett, Helen
Cost of poor housing in London / by Helen Garrett - Berkshire: IHS BRE Press, 2014. - vii, 50 p.
1. Executive Summary --
2. Introduction --
3. Quantifying Poor Housing in London --
4. Examples of HHSRS Hazards in London --
5. Excess Cold and Fuel Poverty in London --
6. The Costs of Dealing with Poor Housing in London--
7. The Costs to Society and Cost-benefits of Improving Homes with Category 1 Hazards in London --
8. Case Studies of Health Cost-benefit Interventions --
9. References
363.5 / COS
Cost of poor housing in London / by Helen Garrett - Berkshire: IHS BRE Press, 2014. - vii, 50 p.
1. Executive Summary --
2. Introduction --
3. Quantifying Poor Housing in London --
4. Examples of HHSRS Hazards in London --
5. Excess Cold and Fuel Poverty in London --
6. The Costs of Dealing with Poor Housing in London--
7. The Costs to Society and Cost-benefits of Improving Homes with Category 1 Hazards in London --
8. Case Studies of Health Cost-benefit Interventions --
9. References
363.5 / COS