Financing cities in India: municipal reforms, fiscal accountability and urban infrastructure /
Mohanty, Prasanna K.
Financing cities in India: municipal reforms, fiscal accountability and urban infrastructure / by Prasanna K. Mohanty - New Delhi: Sage, 2016. - xx, 306 p.
2.India's Urban Fiscal Problem--
3.A Portfolio of Municipal --
4.TaxesTaxation of Urban Land Value--
5.Reforming the Property Tax--
6.User Charges, Benefit Charges and Fees--
7.Intergovernmental Transfers to Municipalities--
8.Development Financing Instruments--
9.Value Creation, Capture and Recyclin--
10.gConclusion: An Agenda for ReformsBibliographyIndex
Identifies the potential of cities as major drivers of economic growth and productive employment if municipal finances are managed better
336.01454 / MOH-F
Financing cities in India: municipal reforms, fiscal accountability and urban infrastructure / by Prasanna K. Mohanty - New Delhi: Sage, 2016. - xx, 306 p.
2.India's Urban Fiscal Problem--
3.A Portfolio of Municipal --
4.TaxesTaxation of Urban Land Value--
5.Reforming the Property Tax--
6.User Charges, Benefit Charges and Fees--
7.Intergovernmental Transfers to Municipalities--
8.Development Financing Instruments--
9.Value Creation, Capture and Recyclin--
10.gConclusion: An Agenda for ReformsBibliographyIndex
Identifies the potential of cities as major drivers of economic growth and productive employment if municipal finances are managed better
336.01454 / MOH-F