A life in education and architecture :

Burke, Catherine

A life in education and architecture : Mary Beaumont Medd / Catherine Burke - Surrey : Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2013. - xxii, 261 p. - Ashgate Studies in Architecture Series .

Childhood and education 1907-1927 --
Study and travel 1920s-30s --
First architectural work: from housing to education --
Partnerships and networks --
The schools --
Evolution of the design process 'from the inside out' --
International travel and exchange 1949-72 --
In retirement --
Towards the future-building school. Lasting legacies of design and democratic practice --
Conclusion. Telling the quiet stories of educational design.

9780754679592 (hardback : alk. paper) 9780754699064 (ebook)

Medd, Mary.

Architects--Great Britain--Biography.
School buildings--Great Britain.
Architecture and society--History--Great Britain--20th century.

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