Key thinkers on space and place/

Hubbard, Phil

Key thinkers on space and place/ ed. by Phil Hubbard and Rob Kitchin. - 2nd ed. - London: Sage, 2011. - xv, 510 ed.

Preface to the Second Edition - Phil Hubbard and Rob Kitchin Introduction: Why Key Thinkers? - Phil Hubbard and Rob Kitchin Benedict Anderson - Euan Hague Mark Auge - Peter Merriman Trevor Barnes - Suzanne Reimer Jean Baudrillard - David B Clarke and Marcus A Doe lZygmunt Bauman - David B Clarke and Marcus A Doe lUlrich Beck - Lewis Holloway Brian Berry - Gordon L Clark Homi K Bhabha - Constantina Papoulias Pierre Bourdieu - Gary Bridge Judith Butler - Minelle Mahtani Anne Buttimer - Tom MelsManuel Castells - Phil Hubbard Michel de Certeau - Mike CrangStuart E Corbridge - Simon Batterbury Denis Cosgrove - Keith LilleyMike Davis - Donald McNeill Michael Dear - Donald McNeill and Mark Tewdwr-Jones Gilles Deleuze - Marcus A Doel and David B ClarkePeter Dicken - Jonathan A Beaverstock Arturo Escobar - Simon Batterbury and Jude L Fernando Michel Foucault - Chris Philo J K Gibson-Graham - Wendy Larner Anthony Giddens - Barney Warf Reginald Golledge - Rob Kitchin Derek Gregory - Barney WarfTorsten Hagerstrand - Robin Flowerdew Peter Haggett - Robin Flowerdew Stuart Hall - Don Mitchell Donna Haraway - Lewis HollowayJ Brian Harley - Keith Lilley David Harvey - Noel Castreebell hooks - Katherine McKittrick Tim Ingold - Hayden Lorimer Peter Jackson - Don Mitchell Cindi Katz - Tracey Skelton Bruno Latour - Eric Laurier Henri Lefebvre - Rob Shields David Ley - Paul Rodaway Kevin Lynch - John R Gold Doreen Massey - Felicity Callard Linda McDowell - Sarah HallAnssi Paasi - Rhys Jones Allan Pred - Alan Latham Gillian Rose - Minelle Mahtani Edward W Said - Karen M Morin Saskia Sassen - James FaulconbridgeAndrew Sayer - Andy C PrattAmartya Sen - Simon Batterbury and Jude L Fernando David Sibley - Minelle Mahtani Neil Smith - Noel Castree Edward J Soja - Alan Latham Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak - Robina Mohammad and James D Sidaway Michael Storper - Suzanne Reimer Peter Taylor - Jim Glassman Nigel Thrift - Barney Warf Gerard Toal - Euan Hague Waldo Tobler - Robin Flowerdew Yi-Fu Tuan - Paul Rodaway John Urry - Peter Adey Paul Virilio - David B Clarke and Marcus A DoelImmanuel Wallerstein - Jim Glassman Michael J Watts - Thomas Perreault Benno Werlen - Roland Lippuner Raymond Williams - Don Mitchell and Carrie Breitbach Alan Wilson - Graham ClarkeIris Marion Young - Felicity Callard Glossary

Critically acclaimed and widely used across the social sciences, this new edition adds 14 new thinkers to an already impressive list.


Human geography -- Philosophy.

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