Project management :

Meredith, Jack R.

Project management : a managerial approach / by Jack R. Meredith and Samuel J. Mantel - 8th ed. - New Delhi : Wiley India, 2013. - xv, 586 p. : ill.

Include index

Contents : Chapter 1. Projects in contemporary organizations -Project initiation --
Chapter 2. Strategic management and project selection --Chapter 3.The project manager -- Chapter 4. Managing conflict and the art of negotiation --Chapter 5. The project in the organizational structure --Chapter 6. Project activity and risk planning--Chapter 7.Budgeting : estimating costs and risks--Chapter 8. Scheduling --Chapter 9. Resource allocation --Chapter 10. Monitoring and information systems --Chapter 11. Project control --Chapter 12. Project auditing -- Chapter 13. Project termination

Projects continue to grow larger, increasingly strategic, and more complex, with greater collaboration, instant feedback, specialisation, and an ever-expanding list of stakeholders. Now more than ever, effective project management is critical for the success of any deliverable, and the demand for qualified Project Managers has leapt into nearly all sectors. The tenth edition of Project Management: A Managerial Approach provides a robust grounding in essentials of the field using a managerial approach to both fundamental concepts and real-world practice. Experienced authors Meredith, Mantel and Shafer have addressed the topic of project management from the perspective of what the project manager will encounter both chronologically during the “life cycle” of the project, as well as practically in the sense of what the project manager needs to know and why. The new edition addresses the basic nature of managing a wide range of projects including public, business, engineering and information systems. With this resource you will finish your unit knowing the specific techniques and insights that you will be required to know for selecting, initiating, executing and evaluating any type of project you might encounter in your future career.


Mantel, Samuel J.

Project management.

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