Effective building maintenance:

Stanford, Herbert W.

Effective building maintenance: protection of capital assets / Herbert W Stanford III - Lilburn: Fairmont Press, 2010. - vi, 426 p.

Facilities as Assets Programmed Maintenance as Asset Management Maintenance Planning and Budgeting Staffing the Maintenance Department Computerized Maintenance Management Systems Planned Replacement or Major Renovation Building Component Life Funded Depreciation and Budgeting for Replacement/ Renovation Life-Cycle Cost Analysis at Replacement/Renovation Time Consequences of Deferred Replacement/Renovation Preventative Maintenance Basic Requirements for General Construction Maintenance Basic Requirements for Service Systems Maintenance Predictive Maintenance Methods Preventive and Predictive Maintenance Procedures Special Maintenance Considerations Sustainable Maintenance v. Sustainable Buildings Indoor Air Quality Moisture Intrusion and Mold Infestation Dealing with Failing Masonry Walls Designing for Building Maintainability General Construction Plumbing Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Electrical Appendices A: Filter Application Guidelines B: Dilution Ventilation Requirements C: Funded Depreciation Financial Factors D: Maintenance Staff Job Descriptions E: Preventative Maintenance Procedures F: Preventative Maintenance Procedures for Access by Disabled Persons



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