Tourism forecasting and marketing /

Tourism forecasting and marketing / edited by Kevin K. F. Wong and Haiyan Song - Special Indian ed. - New York : Routledge, 2012. - 150 p. : ill.

"Co-published simultaneously as 'Journal of travel & tourism marketing', vol. 13, nos. 1/2 2002." Includes bibliographical references and index.

Contents : Introduction: Tourism Forecasting: State of the Art --
Forecasting China's Monthly Inbound Travel Demand / Nada Kulendran and Jordan Shan--
Forecasting International Tourism Demand for Greece: A Contingency Approach / Panos Louvieris --
Factors Affecting Demand for Tourism in Hong Kong / Stephen Hiemstra and Kevin K. F. Wong --
Modeling Tourist Flows to Indonesia and Malaysia / Amy Y. F. Tan,Cynthia McCahon and Judy Miller --
Determinants of Domestic Travel Expenditure in South Korea / Woo Gon Kim and Hailin Qu --
Trends and Forecasts for Inbound Tourism to China / Stephen F. Witt and Lindsay W. Turner --
Learning and Ability to Pay: Developing a Model to Forecast Ski Tourism / GeoffL. Riddington --
Forecasting Travel Patterns Using Palmore's Cohort Analysis/ Lori Pennington-Gray Deborah L. Kerstetter
Rod Warnick --

Stay up to date with the most effective practices in tourism demand forecasting! Tourism Forecasting and Marketing presents vital, up-to-date research on the latest practice and applications of tourism demand modeling and forecasting. The book addresses both econometric and time series approaches to forecasting, focusing on the concepts, model specification, data analysis, and methodologies used in day-to-day tourism planning. An international panel of practitioners and academics call on a diverse range of empirical research findings to discuss commonly used theoretical frameworks for forecast.

It presents research findings from the United States, the United Kingdom, Asia, and Australia that are invaluable for guiding government and private sector tourism investment and development decisions.

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