अपराजितपृच्छ /

अपराजितपृच्छ / Aparajitprichcha : treatise of housing achitecture ,mathematics iconography, music and dance अनुवादक एवं संपादक जुगनू ; भंवर शर्मा - New Delhi: Parimal Publications, 2011. - 2v.(1612 p.) - Parimal Sanskrit Series;no.113 .

An ancient treatise on Architecture

The Aparajitaprccha is a 12th-century Sanskrit text of Bhuvanadeva with major sections on architecture (Vastu Shastra) and arts (Kala). Predominantly a Hindu text, it largely reflects the north and western Indian traditions. The text also includes chapters on Jain architecture and arts. The text is notable for its sections on temple architecture (vastu), sculpture (shilpa), painting (chitra) and classical music and dance (sangita, nritya).It has at least 239 sutras, each sutra followed by many verses

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