Water management /

Covington, Gareth

Water management / by Gareth Covington - Oakville: Apple Academic, 2010. - 304 p

1.Potential and limitation of payments for environmental services as a mean to manage watershed services in mainland southeast Asia --
2.Water quality agreement: The process for a sustainable outcome--
3.The Challenge to revert unsustainable trends: uneven development and water degradation in the rio de Janeiro metropolitan area--
4.Rapid urbanization and implications for flood risk management in hinterland of the pearl river delta, China: the foshan study--
5.Water productivity mapping Using Landsat ETM data for the irrigated croplands of the syrdarya river basin in central Asia --
6.Role of satellite sensors n groundwater exploration --
7.Using spatial information technologies as monitoring devices in international watershed conservation along the senegal river basin of west Africa --
8.Effect of low quality effluent from wastewater stabilization ponds to receibing bodies case of kilombero sugar ponds and ruaha river, Tanzania--
9.Integrating remote sensing information into a distributed hydrological model for improving water budget predictions in large scale basins through data assimilation--
10.Consumptive water use in the production o ethanol and petroleum gasoline.


Water resource management

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