Intermediate Structural Analysis /

Wang, C.K.

Intermediate Structural Analysis / by C.K. Wang - New Delhi: TMH, 2011. - xvi,790 p.

1.Force method v.s. Displacement method--
2.Deformation of statically determinate beams and rigid frames--
3.Deflection of statically determinate trusses--
4.Analysis of statically indeterminate beams and rigid frames by the force method --
5.Analysis of statically indeterminate trusses by the force method--
6.The three moment equation --
7.The slope deflection method --
8.The moment distribution method --
9.Matrix operation --
10.Matrix displacement method of truss analysis--
11.Matrix displacement method of beam analysis--
12.Matrix displacement method of rigid frame analysis--
13.Influence lines and moving loads --
14.Approximate methods of multistory frame analysis--
15.The column analogy method--
16.Composite structures and rigid frames with axial deformation --
17.Secondary moments in trusses with rigid joints--
18.Rigid frames with curved members--
19.Displacement method of horizontal grid -frame analysis--
20.Rigid frames with semitigid connections --
21.Effects of shear deformation --
22.Deams on elastic foundation


Civil engineering
Geometric methods

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