Urban economics /

O'Sullivan, Arthur

Urban economics / by Arthur O'Sullivan - 7th ed. - New York: Mcgraw-Hill, 2012. - xxix, 466 p. - McGraw-Hill Series .

Part I: Market Forces in the Development of CitiesChapter--
2: Why Do Cities Exist?Chapter--
3: Why Do Firms Cluster?Chapter--
4: City SizeChapter 5: Urban Growth--
Part II: Land Rent and Land-Use PatternsChapter--
6: Urban Land RentChapter--
7: Land-Use PatternsChapter--
8: Neighborhood ChoiceChapter--
9: Zoning and Growth Controls Part III: Urban TransportationChapter--
10: Externalities from AutosChapter--
11: Mass Transit Part IV: Urban CrimeChapter--
12: Crime Part V: HousingChapter 13: Why is Housing Different?Chapter--
14: Housing Policy--
Part VI: Local GovernmentChapter--
15: The Role of Local Government Chapter--
16: Local Government Revenue Appendix: Tools of Microeconomics

Covers urban economics as the discipline that lies at the intersection of geography and economics. This title explores the location decisions of utility-maximizing households and profit-maximizing firms, and shows how these decisions cause the formation of cities of different size and shape. It incorporates the remarkable progress in the field.

9780071276290 9780071276290


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