Principles of earthquake resistant design of structures a Tsunami /

Gupta, B. L.

Principles of earthquake resistant design of structures a Tsunami / by B.L. Gupta and Amit ,Gupta - Delhi: Standard pub., 2010. - xx,: 670 p.

1.The earthquakes --
2.Brie history of past earthquakes--
3.Earthquakes causes ,severity and forecasting--
4.Vibrations of single degree of freedom system--
5.Vibrations of multiple degree of freedom--
6.Continuous system--
7.Evaluation of earthquake resistance of buildings--
8.Causes of structural failure and lessons from past earthquakes --
9.Effect of soil properties on seismic performance of structures --
10.Earthquake motion and response --
11.Factors affecting seismic resistant design of structures--
12.Framed structures--
13.General principles of earthquake resistant design of structures--
14.Effect of earthquake on concrete structures --
15.Seismic resistant building design as per is codes--
16.Design of earthquake resistant masonry structures--
17.Design of earthquake resistant reinforced concrete structures --
18.New techniques in seismic resistant design of structures--
19.Shear walis and their design--
20.Effects of non structural elements--
21.Low cost seismic resistant buildings--
22.Guidelines for seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings--
23.Tsunami --
24.Guidelines for earthquake and tsunami preparedness and checklists.



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