Remote sensing of the environment: an earth resource perspective /

Jensen, John R.

Remote sensing of the environment: an earth resource perspective / John R. Jensen - 2nd - New Delhi: Pearson, 2009. - xvi,592 p. - Pearson Custom Library. .

1.Remote sensing of the environment --
2.Electromagnetic radiation principles --
3.Aerial photography: vantage point, cameras, filters, and film --
4.Elements of visual image interpretation --
5.Photogrammetry --
6.Multispectral remote sensing systems --
7.Thermal infrared remote sensing --
8.Active and passive microwave remote sensing --
9.LIDAR remote sensing --
10.Remote sensing of vegetation --
11.Remote sensing of water --
12.Remote sensing of soils, minerals, and geomorphology --
13.Remote sensing the urban landscape --
14.In situ spectral reflectance measurement --
15.Appendix. Sources of remote sensing information.



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