Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update /

Meadows ,Donella H.

Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update / by Donella H. Meadows ,Jorgen Randers, Dennis L. Meadows - London: Chelsea Green Publishing Co., 2004. - xxvi,338 p.

Overshoot: Beyond the Carrying Capacity of the Earth
The Driving Forces: Exponential Growth, Limits, and Feedback Loops
The World Model: A Tool for Understanding Global Trends
Scenarios for the Future: Business as Usual vs. Sustainability
Evidence of Overshoot: Environmental, Economic, and Social Indicators
A Sustainable World: Pathways to a More Balanced Future
Tools for Transition: Policy, Technology, and Behavioral Changes
Reflections and Next Steps

Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update is an expanded and revised edition of the groundbreaking 1972 report that used computer modeling to analyze the consequences of unchecked economic and population growth on the environment and global resources. The authors revisit their original findings with updated data and improved simulation models, emphasizing the environmental, social, and economic challenges facing the 21st century.

The book highlights key global trends, such as climate change, resource depletion, biodiversity loss, and economic instability, arguing that continued growth without sustainable management will lead to ecological and economic collapse. The authors advocate for a transition to a more sustainable future through policy reforms, technological innovations, and behavioral shifts.

This updated edition serves as a crucial resource for policymakers, environmentalists, and economists, offering insights into the long-term consequences of human actions on Earth's ecosystems and the necessity for sustainable development.


Sustainable development
Economic development—Environmental aspects
Environmental policy
Population growth
Natural resources—Management

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