Deviated Sacred Groves Perception : an Upcoming Disaster /

Pal, Tapas

Deviated Sacred Groves Perception : an Upcoming Disaster / Tapas Pal

Civilization has been decorated by people's demand-supply perception. Historically, they gave fan unoptimum greedy behavior lots of proof of a to their environment. Most of their reco-perception had been altered from its root-perception. Techno-man is now believed on development, where Sustaining concept is not being added. Among these, a traditional eco-perception Le. Sacred Groves have also loosed its own specimen identity and the all fruitful results associated with thus, we are losing, and finally we are stepping forward very slowly to sporadic cage of disasters. This paper encompasses on the analyses of the deviated Sacred Groves perception from society and how this changed-nature would be the causes of disaster generation in physical, economic, culture, behavioral, theoretical concept and structural environment and to suggest some measures for sustaining that perception.

Demand-supply perception,
Traditional eco-perception

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