Archives, Collections and Curatorship The Delft Chair Collection

Wijk,Charlotte van

Archives, Collections and Curatorship The Delft Chair Collection Charlotte van Wijk - Oxford: Oxford Universituy Press, 2011. - Volume 24, Issue 1, March 2011, (79–84 p.) - Quarterly

Last year, in May, the building of the Faculty of Architecture at the Delft Technical University was destroyed almost entirely by fire. Fortunately, some parts of the building escaped the flames and, after a few days, the library collection of over 40,000 titles was saved, as was the chair collection. It was a narrow escape, and the confrontation with their possible loss made the value of the collection all the more apparent. After the incident, it was decided to try and make the collection more widely known and accessible, and this article is part of this effort.

Architect Designer
Furniture--Europe - Netherlands--19th Century

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