Roads and Their Impact on the Environmental and Social Aspects /

Sheela, S. Shantha

Roads and Their Impact on the Environmental and Social Aspects / S. Shantha Sheela, S. Kayar Kanni and J. Nirmala - 7 Vol. Issue 1-2 (159-167 p.)

Roads are used not only to relocate persons and goods-purely for transport or traffic purposes - but also have residential and access functions. While roads generally perform traffic functions outside urban areas, town and village roads play an important part in the residential function. Accordingly, the term "environment" is not limited to the natural surroundings to the same extent as in undeveloped areas. Rather, the aim is to ensure that traffic can be managed in a way which is compatible with the urban situation in other words, in a way that is also socially acceptable.


The objective of this paper is to describe the impact of roads on the environmental aspect, impact of roads on the social aspects. Creation of special cells in the mort&h/nhai/pwds of states/uts to coordinate all activities related to environmental impacts of highway projects. Incorporation of the social dimensions of resettlement and rehabilitation of affected people in all highway projects involving displacement of people at the project preparation stage itself and implementation of proper R&R plan before execution of works. Use of marginal material and development of new technologies for saving energy and materials in road construction. Development of relationship between traffic and air pollution for different scenario such as Terrain, Traffic Volume, Traffic Mix, vehicle speed, speed restrictions, road width & conditions, roadside features, etc.



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