Urban housing and slums /

Jain, A. K.

Urban housing and slums / A.K. Jain - New Delhi: Readworthy, 2009. - 394 p. 2 CD-ROM

2.Shelter for the urban poor --
3.Growth and rehabilitation of slums in Delhi--
4.Community based slum rehousing--
5.Integrated housing and slum development programme --
6.Rehabilitation of slum dwellers Mumbai--
7.Security of land tenure--
8.Public housing transformation --
9.Policy to incentive's private sector in social housing --
10.Toward housing for all --
11.Infrastructure services and housing development--
12.Growth and regularisation of unauthorised colonies --
13.The emergency shelter--
14.Hosing development and design --
15.Systems based housing production--
16.Cost reduction in construction of shelter



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