Walking :

Walking : connecting sustainable transport with health / edited by Corinne Mulley, Klaus Gebel and Ding Ding - Bingley : Emerald Publishing, 2017. - xiv, 427 p. : ill. - Transport and Sustainability / edited by Stephen Ison and Jon Shaw v. 9 .

Introduction / Corinne Mulley, Klaus Gebel, Ding Ding --
SECTION 1. Walking: Its Prevalence, Its Benefits and its Variety --
Chapter 2. Measurement of Walking / Dafna Merom, Robert Koryeinski --
Chapter 3. Understanding the Determinants of Walking as the Basis for Social Marketing Public Health Messaging / Corinne Mulley, Chinh Ho --
Chapter 4. The Health Benefits of Walking / Paul Kelly, Marie Murphy, Nanette Mutrie --
Chapter 5. Economic Value of Walking / Todd Litman --
Chapter 6. Walking to and from School / Jacky Kennedy, George Mammen --
Chapter 7. Dog Walking / Hayley E. Christian, Gavin R. McCormack, Kelly R. Evenson, Clover Maitland --
SECTION 2. Environments and Walking --
Chapter 8. The Built Environment and Walking / William Riggs, Ruth L. Steiner --
Chapter 9. Public Transport Infrastructure and Walking: Gearing Towards the Multimodal City / Sonia Lavadinho --
Chapter 10. Planning Walking Environments for People with Disabilities and Older Adults / Yochai Eisenberg, Erin D. Bouldin, Nancy Gell, Dori Rosenberg --
Chapter 11. Pedestrian Safety and Public Health / Philip Stoker, Arlie Adkins, Reid Ewing --
SECTION 3. Public Policy for Walking --
Chapter 12. Walking Policy Steps --
The Policy Development Process for the First State Walking Target in New South Wales, Australia / Peter McCue --
Chapter 13. Developing Sustainable Walking Interventions: Integrating Behavioural, Ecological and Systems Science to Promote Population Health / Liza S. Rovniak, Abby C. King --
Chapter 14. Promotion of Recreational Walking: Case Study of the Ciclovía-Recreativa of Bogota / Olga L. Sarmiento, Carlos Pedraza, Camilo A. Triana, Diana P. Diaz, Silvia A. González, Sergio Montero --
SECTION 4. Case Studies --
Chapter 15. Vancouver and the Walker: The Evolution of the Walkable City / Sandy James --
Chapter 16. Walking in Vienna: Smoothing the Way for Creating a New Urban Lifestyle / Wiebke Unbehaun, Mailin Gaupp-Berghausen, Petra Jens --
Chapter 17. Walking for Transportation and Transmilenio in Bogota: Strengths and Shortcomings / Diana C. Parra, Pablo D. Lemoine --
Chapter 18. Retrofitting Traditional Streets for Shared Uses: The 'Pedestrian Priority Street' in Seoul / Sunghoon Oh, Jennifer L. Kent --
SECTION 5. Into the Future --
Chapter 19. The Future of Walking? / Miles Tight.

This book features a multidisciplinary focus on walking as a mode in the context of transportation, urban planning and health. Breaking down the silos, this book presents a multidisciplinary focus bringing together research from transport, public health and planning to show linkages and the variation in experience around the world


Choice of transportation.
Transportation--Public Health

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